VU2 185.324 Compilation Techniques for VLIW Architectures

Dietmar Ebner and Florian Brandner


TUWIS++ Pages

The course gives an overview of VLIW design principles and captures several real world examples along with their peculiarities compared to the general purpose computing domain. The main focus is on compilation techniques for ILP compilers, in particular speculation and predication, region scheduling techniques and software pipelining.
SVENM Microprocessor



11.03.2008 Introduction to Emedded Systems and VLIW pdf
01.04.2008 VLIW Principles, Instruction Set Design, and Instruction Encoding pdf
08.04.2008 VLIW Architecture and Microarchitecture, Example Architectures pdf
15.04.2008 Floating Point Arithmetic, Embedded C, Compiling for VLIWs, Loop Unrolling pdf
22.04.2008 The VEX compiler toolchain
sorry - no downloads this time; drop us a mail if you want a copy of the slides.
29.04.2008 Highlevel optimizations, Scalar optimizations, Loop optimizations pdf
06.05.2008 Code Layout Techniques, Code Generation, Dependence Testing pdf
20.05.2008 List Scheduling, Resource Models, Trace Scheduling pdf
27.05.2008 Super-/Hyperblock, Treegions, Region Enlargement Techniques pdf
03.06.2008 Cyclic Scheduling, Modulo Scheduling, If-conversion pdf



15.04.2008-22.04.2008 Assignments covering lectures 1-4 pdf
22.04.2008-27.05.2008 Assignment 2
Click here to download the benchmarks and the assembler parser template.
We encountered a small error* in the makefile, please download the corrected file here and replace the original one.

Practical assignments will use the VEX simulation/compilation system freely available at:

* An option (-r) causes the decoder to use a floating point based DCT implementation. Please download the new makefile and invoke the following commands:

make clean
make gen


Assignments and oral exam.

Exam 50 points
Assignment sheet 1 20 points
Assignment sheet 2 30 points


Fisher, Faraboschi, Young
Embedded Computing
A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools
ISBN: 1-55860-766-8

The book is available at the library.


Dietmar Ebner

Florian Brandner

Complang CD Laboratory VLIW
Faculty of Informatics
Vienna University of Technology
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