N233 WG 17 Draft Agenda

The next meeting of WG17 the ISO/IEC TAG for Prolog will take place in Budapest, Hungary September 4th and 5th. It is co-located with ICLP 2012.


Tuesday September 4th Morning.

9 am Introductions.

Approval of the Minutes of the Lexington meeting.

Approval of the Agenda.

DCGs. Klaus Daessler

September 5th (afternoon)

Continiuation of DCGs (as reuired).

Future of WG 17.


Adjournment: 5pm Wednesday September 5th

Persons having documents relevant to the meeting should email them to me (jhodgson@sju.edu) by July 30 th. The latest versions of the documents can be found at http://www.sju.edu/~jhodgson/wg17/Budapest2012/Drafts/

Last Changed: 2012 June 14th