From owner-prolog-standard@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU Fri Feb 12 18:39:43 2016
Date:         Fri, 12 Feb 2016 18:27:08 +0100
From: Per Mildner 
Subject: [PROLOG-STANDARD] Comments on the DCG draft, dated November 10, 2015

My comments on "Definite clause grammar rules" dated November 10, 2015
(the "TR") (apparently available at


I think that a clearer distinction should be made between (abstract)
grammar constructs and various representations of these constructs as
Prolog terms. E.g., the grammar construct ALTERNATIVE can be
represented in two different ways as compound terms but the grammar
construct itself is not a Prolog "term" (and the grammar construct
itself has none of the ambiguity, related to (->)/2, affecting its
various term _representations_). Similarly for the abstract grammar
construct(?) "sequence" vs. its representation as a compound term,
neither of which have an entry among the definitions. Also see 3.13,

I think it is good that phrase/2 is defined as bootstrapped using
phrase/3. For this reason I think phrase/2 should not be used in 7.14
when explaining the behaviour of the constructs. Now there is pointless
repetition, where there is first a (slightly incorrect and not
general) explanations using phrase/2 and then a correct and general
explanation (e.g. introduced with "More precisely taking semicontext
into account: ...") using phrase/3. The phrase/2 parts of the
explanations in 7.14 just brings confusion.

Inconsistent hyphenation involving "non-", e.g. "non-terminal"/"non
terminal", "terminal-sequence"/"terminal sequence".


"1 Scope"

"... Corrigendum 1:2007-11 ..." is not the same
designation as that used in "2 Normative references".

"3 Definition"

"3.1 alternative"
It seems a little greedy to claim the use of the general word
"alternative" for this specific use. Perhaps
"grammar-body-alternative", e.g. similar to "grammar-body-sequence"

Also, why does "alternative" have a definition whereas "sequence" and
"if-then-else" has not? 

"3.7 definite clause non-terminal definition"
".. is a sequence of grammar-rules." but should not all the
grammar-rules define the same non-terminal? Otherwise there is little
difference between 3.7 and "3.6 definite clause grammar".

"3.10 grammar-body-element"
"... grammar-body-cut (the atom !), or a grammar-goal, or a
non-terminal, or ..."
Remove the text "(the atom !)" (and add a proper definition for

"3.13 grammar-goal"
"A compound term ... whose argument is a goal." but a "goal" (3.81) is
not a term (a goal is more abstract), so it can not be the argument of
a compound term. See my general remark above about lack of

"3.18 non-terminal (of a grammar rule)"
"A ... term ... that denotes a ... of a grammar rule"
This seems to imply that such a grammar rule must (potentially) exist
somewhere. I think a "non-terminal" should be able to exist on its
own, without reference to grammar rules. E.g., "[]" is a non-terminal
(and []//0 is its non-terminal indicator) but there can be no
associated grammar rule to denote. For the same reason the "(of a
grammar rule)" seems a little strange.

"3.23 steadfastness of a goal wrt. an argument"
"Goal G is steadfast ... if the execution ... of G and (Gnw, Vnw=T) is
the same"

I (still) thinks this is too strong to be useful. I think a more
informal definition is needed (like "refuse to give wrong answers even
when the query has an unexpected form", from The Craft of Prolog). On
the other hand I do not think its (single) use in this TR is needed or
makes sense (more at phrase/[2,3]).

E.g., what does it mean for two executions to be "the same"? An
execution (7.7.1) is a "sequence of activations" but what does it mean
for two such sequences to be "the same"? If nothing else, the fact
that the execution of G does not bind Vnw would seem to make the two
executions different. Also, if one execution fails and one throws an
exception, as could happen in, then (surely?) they can not
be said to be "the same" this would happen.

Another example. Is the goal "app(A,[],C)" steadfast in its second
arguent, given the program

app(Xs,Ys,XsYs) :- var(Ys), !, XsYs=Xs.
app(Xs,Ys,XsYs) :- append(Xs,Ys,XsYs).

Surely the "execution"s of "app(A,[],C)" and "(app(A,Wnw,C),Wnw=[])" are
not "the same" even though I think one would like to consider the goal
steadfast in its second argument.

(Furthermore, is it not so that the common usage of "steadfast" refers
to procedures, not to individual goals?)

"3.25 terminal-sequence"
"A list ... 3.99 ..."
This means that a terminal-sequence is a []-terminated list which is
not how it is used everywhere in this TR.

"3.26 terminal-sequence, comprehensive"

"A terminal sequence containing a prefix, and the prefix covered (...)
by a grammar-rule-body, i.e. accepted resp. generated by phrase/3

What is this trying to say? Saying that a terminal-sequence, i.e. a
list, is "containing a prefix" is misleading if we are talking about
a prefix _of_ the list.

"... and the prefix (...) covered by" seems ungrammatical (no pun
intended). Should it be ".. and the the prefix (...) _is_ covered by
..." or some such?

"3.27 terminal-sequence, remaining" "... a comprehensive
terminal-sequence without the leading terminal-sequence covered ..."

Perhaps better if 3.26 and 3.27 use the same terminology to refer to
the same parts of a comprehensive terminal-sequence, i.e. both should
use "prefix" or both should use "leading terminal-sequence".

"5.5 Extensions"
"A processor may support ... any construct that is ... undefined in
this TR or in ... 13211-1 ..."

I assume it must be undefined in both, i.e. in "this TR _and_ in ...",
or some such.

"6.1.3 Variable names convention for termina-sequences"

This uses "terminal-sequence" in a way that is not consistent with the
requirement (Definition 3.25) that a "terminal-sequence" is a (proper,
[]-terminated) list. The intermidate states can be partial lists (and
even non-lists?, see

" Directives"

"Whenever directives are applicable to non-terminals, the non-terminal
indictors ..., as arguments of these directives, shall be used like
predicate indicators for the predicates, resulting from expanding
these non-terminals."

(I think this would be clearer without the last comma)

There is some confusion about terminology here. "predicate indicators"
(3.131) denote "procedures" not "predicates".

What is the result of "expanding ... non-terminals"? Definitely not
procedures. Perhaps "... predicate indicators for the procedures
_corresponding to_ these non-terminals" is vague enough to convey the
correct meaning.

The note mentions that the directive dynamic/2 is applicable to
non-terminals. What would the effect be?

The directives mentioned by the note will cause empty procedures to be
created. This makes it possible to create a procedure for NT//N
without specifying any grammar rule for it. Other text in the TR seems
to assume that there must exist at least one grammar rule for a
procedure that corresponds to a non-terminal.

Should the TR say something about mixing directives for NT//N and NT/M
(where M is N+2)? E.g. if there are no clauses and no grammar rules
but two directives ":- discontiguous(p//0). :- discontiguous(p/2).".

Also, what about built-in predicates that takes predicate indicators
as input or output arguments, e.g. abolish/1 and current_predicate/1?

" Semicontexts"

This entire subclause ( should be removed.

Section "6.2.1 Prolog text" defines the "top-level" constructs that
can occur in Prolog text (e.g. in a Prolog file). In this context
(once again, no pun intended), "Semicontexts" makes no
sense. Semicontexts does not occur on their own in "Prolog text" and
it makes absolutely no sense to define their priority.

"7.4.2 Directives"
"A non-terminal indicator .. may appear ... in .. dynamic/1, ..."

What does it mean for a procedure (defined using grammar rules) to be
"dynamic" (3.59)? In 7.5.2 is is prescribed that "A clause of a
dynamic procedure can be altered" (a very strange wording) but what
is the corresponding effect on a procedure defined by grammar rules?

The text for dynamic/1 ( et al. need to be extended to mention
grammar rules where it now says things like "The first directive
dynamic(PI) ... shall precede all clauses for P" (since it must also
precede all grammar rules for P).

"7.4.4 Grammar rules"
"The grammar rule term in Prolog text ( enables suitable
clauses to be added to the database."

However, the "database" (3.52) contains "procedures", not "clauses",
so it is not possible for "clauses" to "be added to the
database". Also see 7.4.4, where this is correctly described.

"7.4.4 Grammar rules"
"The non-terminal indicator ... of the grammar-rule-head shall not be
... a grammar control construct."

This seems to contradict 7.13.2 that says, referring to the grammar
rule "NonTerminal --> GRBody", "If NonTerminal is a grammar control
construct its effect shall be implementation dependent."

"During preparation for execution the Prolog processor converts
grammar rule terms to Prolog procedures of the database."

"Prolog" is superfluous here, I think.

"7.5.1 Preparing a Prolog text for execution"

I think more of the original text in 13211-1 need to be extended where
it now mentions clauses and predicate indicator, e.g. is "Each
procedure is identified by a unique predicate indicator" really true
of a processor that strictly separates clause-based procedures and and
grammar-rule-based procedures?

"... a Prolog clause ... is already part of the extended database ..."
"extended database" is not defined, I think. Should this say "complete
database" (3.35)? Even that is a little strange since the complete
data base is not present until execution is about to start.

Also, as noted above, a "clause" is never part of the "database".

7.13.1 Terminals and non-terminals" "In grammar rule bodies, one or
more terminals are represented by terms directly contained in lists in
order to distinguish them from non-terminals. The empty terminal
sequence (empty list) is possible. Non-terminals are represented by
callable terms."

Since (non-empty) "list" (3.114) is defined as a compound term with
two arguments "terms directly contained in lists" is
misleading. Instead, this should use "element (of a list)" (3.61).

I think "directly contains in", as used in several places in this TR,
should be replaced by more precise wording.

"NOTE --- ... Definitions 3.23 and 3.17"
Should be "... 3.24 and 3.18".

"7.13.2 Format of grammar rules"

Incorrect numbering of the referenced definitions.

"The grammar-rule-head, is a non-terminal, or a non-terminal, followed
by a terminal-sequence (a semicontext, see 7.13.3)"

I think the punctuation is confusing here. Perhaps better as "The
grammar-rule-head is a non-terminal, or a non-terminal followed by a
terminal-sequence (a semicontext, see 7.13.3)"?

"The control constructs that may be used in a body are described in
subclause 7.14"

"An empty body is represented by an empty terminal sequence"

Just remove this (or move a reworded version of it to a NOTE). There
are no empty grammar rule bodies, period.

"NOTE -- There is no (-->)/1 form for grammar rules."

The mention of "(-->)/1 form" is strange. Presumably this is trying to
say that there is nothing corresponding to the way a fact can be
defined in Prolog text by omitting the (implied true) body. But you
would not describe such facts as "(:-)/1 forms for clauses".

" Description"

"A semicontext is a terminal-sequence ..., which follows, separated by
a comma, the non-terminal of the head of a grammar rule ..."

Remove ", separated by a comma,". A "grammar rule" is a Prolog term
and at that level of abstraction there is no longer anything
"separated" by anything else. The semicontext and the non-terminal of
the head are the two arguments of a compund term with principal
functor (',')/2 and the many possible textual appareances of this
(sub-)term in Prolog text are not relevant here.

" Exmaples"

"Another example may be a small grammar rule with semicontext"

"After preparation for execution this may occur ... as:"
I do not understand why this example is split between normative text
and non-normative NOTES in this particular way. Perhaps the expansion
should be moved to the non-normative NOTES.

Perhaps some example usage should be added for the two examples. Or
not, this TR "is not a tutorial", after all.

"3 There are cases, where the remaining terminal-sequence is the
comprehensive terminal-sequence. See, e.g. the following grammar
rule. There maybe a trailing terminal-sequence, however, as the
following example shows."

I find it a little hard to make sense of this. Are the first and last
sentence opposing in some way? If not, why is "however" used? Also,
perhaps it would be possible to remove some of the wordiness of using
both "the following grammar rule" and "the following example" to
introduce a single grammar rule.

"There maybe" should be "There may be"

"5 Some processors allow a cut in the semicontext"

But then it is not a semicontext as defined in this TR. So, perhaps
better as "... a cut in the head" or "... a cut together with the

"Moving a cut to the end of the grammar body, c.f. a, [word] -->b, !."

Is "c.f." correct here? should it be "i.e."?

"7.13.4 Non-terminal indicator"

"The non-terminal indicator //(A, N) indicates the non-terminal of the
head of a grammar rule where A is an atom, representing the
non-terminal, and N is its arity, a non-negative integer."

A nonterminal indicator, like //([],0) indicates a non-terminal
regardless of whether there are, or could be, a grammar rule. So, the
mention of grammar rule in this normative text only adds potentially

"A is an atom, representing the non-terminal ..."
No. A represents the identifier of the non-terminal.

This subclause should be modelled on " Predicate indicator" and
use that wording with suitable modifications.

"2 ..."
"Furthermore non-terminal indicators ... property ."
Missing comma, I think, and extraneous space before full stop. Should
be "Furthermore, non-terminal indicators ... property.".

"In particular, using non-terminal indicators in predicate directives
allows the details of the expansion of grammar rules into Prolog
clauses to be abstracted"

What is "predicate directives"?

I do not see how the claim is true. How would _not_ using
non-terminals in directives leak details (i.e. not allow abstracting
the details) about how grammar rules are expanded into Prolog clauses?
Are there any built-ins that take predicate indicators as argument and
gives information about the _clauses_ of the designated procedures?

" Examples"
"The corresponding non-terminal indicator for the grammar rule
left-hand side non-terminal is sentences//0."

"left-hand side" is not used elsewhere for referring to the parts of a
grammar rule. "grammar rule left-hand side" should be "grammar rule head" (or
"grammar-rule-head") i.e. from 3.16.

Or, rephrase it as "The non-terminal _of_ the grammar rule is
sentence//2", i.e. as in "3.18 non-terminal (of a grammar-rule)".

"7.14 Grammar control constructs"

"After preparatation ... the non-terminals ... result in constrol
constructs, respectively built-in predicates of ... 13211-1."

This is not true for user defined non-terminals (i.e. preparing calls
to user defined non-terminals will result in neither control
constructs or build-ins).

I am not sure what the purpose of the paragraph is. Perhaps it can
just be removed.

"7.14.4 (;)// -- alternative"
"... (A;B) ..."
Should there not be something about A not having principal functor

(Alternatively, separate the abstrace grammar construct ALTERNATIVE
from its various term representations. See "General", above.)

"NOTE... may be understood best by application of write_canonical/1

I do not think that using write_canonical/1 is appropriate here. As
noted in Section 1, Scope, of 13211-1, the standard text "is intended
for use by implementors and knowledgeable programmers, and is not a
tutorial." so the intended audience should be expected to be able to
make sense of Prolog term syntax. The grammar rule can be presented in
the usual syntax instead.

"... write_canonical ... --> (sentence, ..."
There should not be any spaces between the "-->" and the "(". But, as
argued above, this part should be removed.

"7.14.5 (:)//2 with (->)//2 - if-then-else"
" Description"

This is one place where the failure to distinguish between grammar
constructs (if-then-else) and their representations as terms
((A->B);C) brings trouble.

I would argue that if-then-else is _not_ the non-terminal (;)//2 with
a first argument being the non-terminal (->)//2. The non-terminal
(->)//2 is a completely different construct (7.14.12) with different
semantics and possible not even supported by an implementation
(whereas if-then-else is mandatory).

"NOTE - (;)//2 ... whether or not its first argument is a compound
term with grammar control construct (->)//2."

This makes no sense. As in 7.8.8, the argument of a compound term is a
term, not a grammar control construct. So, similar to 7.8.8, it should
say "... first argument ... is a compound term with functor (->)/2."

"... for alternative ... when the first arument of (;)//2 does not
immediatel contain a grammar control construct (->)//2."
As above, a term can not contina a grammar control
construct. Furthermore, all uses of "immediately contain" should be
removed since they just brings confusion.

Here too 7.8.8 gets it right (*) and the TR should say something like:
"... for alternative ... when the first arument of (;)//2 is a
compound term with functor (->)/2."

"phrase( ( ("1"|"2") ..."
This depends on the Prolog flag double_quotes. It would be better to
change the example to use plain list syntax.

(*) Unrelated to this TR: I think 7.8.8 actually gets it wrong by
using "unify with '->'(_,_)" instead of "being a compound term with
functor (->)/2)", which makes a difference if the first argument to
(;)/2 is a variable.). And, perhaps 7.8.8 means "principal functor",
not just "functor".

"7.14.6 ('|')//2 - second form of alternative"
" Description"
"The use of ('|')//2 instead of (;)//2 in an if-then-else, cf 7.14.5,
shall be implementation-dependent."

Is an implementation allowed to implement if-then (7.14.12) but not
"use of ('|')//2 instead of (;)//2 in an if-then-else"? That is, is it
allowed to treat '|'((A->B),C) as '|'(([],(A->B)),C) where the first
argument of ('|')//2 is treated as a plain if-then?

The translation program in Section 10 just happens to do the expected
thing (treating '|'((A->B),C) as if-then-else) because it does not
distinguish between the abstraction levels when translating compound
terms with principal functor (;)/2 and ('|')/2.

"7.14.7 {}//1 -- grammar-body-goal"
"If G immediately contains a cut ('!'), this i shandled like a ..."
As noted above, "immediately contains" lacks a clear meaning and is
just confusing. For instance does "{!}" immediately contain a cut?
Does "{(!)}"? Does "{true,!}"? Etc.

" Example"
"phrase({true}, nonlist, S) ... succeeds, unifying S with nonlist."

This example requires that phrase/3 does no error checking on its
second argument (i.e. it does not verify that the second argument is a
terminal sequence (or even partial list), contrary to what is
suggested as the desirable behaviour in

"7.14.8 call//1"
" Description"

Here, too, the initial description in terms of phrase/2 is just
clutter. The following description in terms of phrase/3 is sufficient
and clearer.

"... phrase(call(G_2), S0,S) is true iff call(G_2, S0,S) is true."
This equivalence can not hold if "phrase(call(G_2), S0,S) shall be
steadfast ... in its third argument S" ( Steadfast (3.23)
requires that "the execution" of phrase(call(G_2), S0,S) is the same
as "the execution" of (phrase(call(G_2), S0,Vnv), Vnv=S) but, since
call/3 is not, in general, steadfast in its third argument, either:

1. phrase/3 is steadfast in its third argument but it is false that
  "phrase(call(G_2), S0,S) is true iff call(G_2, S0,S) is true."
  (contradicting the above equivalence), or
2. phrase/3 is not steadfast in its third argument (contradicting

For a concrete example, consider "S0=a,S=a, phrase(call(==), S0,S)"
vs. "S0=a,S=a, phrase(call(==), S0,Vnv), Vnv=S" which clearly do not
the the same "execution" (for sensible definitions of "execution").

One way of "fixing" this would be to require that phrase(A,B,C) always
ensured steadfastness by being defined as "phrase(A,B,C) :-
phrase_internal(A,B,Vnv),Vnv=C." (where phrase_internal/3 does
whatever is needed to execute the grammar body A). Additionally,
call//2 would need to be defined something like "... phrase(call(G_2),
S0,S) is true iff call(G_2, S0,Vnv),Vnv=S". This "fix" would be easy
to implement in the code for phrase/3 and in the translation of
call//1. Howver, I suspect that such a change in semantics would
differ from most current implementations of DCGs, and therefore would
be unacceptable.

"7.14.11 (\+)//1 -- grammar-body-not
"The presence of (\+)//1 in gramamr rules shall be implementation

Is that wording not a little strange? 

Surely the "presence [of (\+)//2] in grammar rules" depends on
whatever grammar rules the user writes. What this standard describes
is the _meaning_ of (\+)//1 in gramamr rules when the user has made it
present in a grammar rule.

" Description"
"If present in (\+)//1 in grammar rules ..."

What is it "present in"? The "If present in" seems to refer to
something that got left out.

"Implementations conforming to this TR shall not define or use a
predicate (\+)/3"
Should this say "Processors conforming ..."?

Apparently (\+)//1 is a somewhat controversial construct (Quoting
O'Keefe: "If someone wants to offer the general case as an
exceptionally confusing extension, we can't stop them, but the blood
should not be on *our* hands."), so there should be something in the
NOTE section about why the construct may be problematic (and why it is
not mandatory).

The example of (\+)//2 in the NOTE should perhaps be a more realistic

"7.14.12 (->)//2 -- if-then"
" Description"
"The grammar body element A -> B describes one of ( A, B )."
Should be "The grammar body element A -> B describes ( A, B ).".
(Compare if-then-else where "... ( A -> B; C ) ... "describes
one of ( A, B ) or C")

Should there be something like "Implementations conforming to this TR
shall not define or use a predicate (->)/4"? If not, why for the
optional (\+)//2 but not for the optional (->)//2?

"7.15 Executing clauses expanded from grammar rules"

"If a grammar rule to be prepared for execution has a non-terminal
indicator NT//N, ..."
Better "If THE HEAD OF a grammar rule ..."

"If a grammar rule ... NT//N, ...  NT/M, with M is N + 2, ..."
Better as "If a grammar rule ... NT//N, ...  NT/M, WHERE M is ..."

"If a grammar rule ... NT//N [and NT/M is a built-in predicate]
... expansion and behaviour ... is implementation dependent. This does
not hold for the required non-terminals expanding to built-in
predicates defined in 7.14."

What is this trying to say? If the (head of) a grammar rule tries to
(re-)define a built-in non-terminal or built-in predicate then
something is really wrong in the grammar. How does this have anything
to do with the "non-terminals expanding [in grammar bodies] to
built-in predicates"? Is it not prohibited somewhere in this TR that
grammar rules (for NT//N) must not define the build-in non-terminals
NT//N (or built-in predicates NT//M, where M is N+2)?

"When the database does not contain a procecure, prepared for
execution from one or more grammar rules with non-terminal indicator
NT//N during execution of a goal, prepared for execution from a
non-terminal with non-terminal indicator NT//N, the behaviour shall be
as follows:"

"If the error handling ... is standard conforming as specified in
subclause 7.7.7 ... then the error term .. shall be:"
"existence_error(procedure, NT/M)"
I think M should be defined again in this paragraph and not rely on
the preceding, unrelated, M.

"If the error handling of the processor supports definite clause
grammar errors, the nthe error term shall be:
existence_error(grammar_rule, NT/M)"

Why not existence_error(grammar_rule, NT//N)? If the program
understands 'grammar_rule' then it can also be taught to understand
NT//N instead of some mixture concepts. Also see Note 1 later in the

I strongly objects to adding a new form of existence error for grammar
rules. Even more so when they are optional (and there is no way, as
far as I can tell, for a user program to ask the processor whether
they are supported or not).

Realistically the ordinary procedures and the grammar-rule procedures
shares a name space so there can not exist both foo/3 and foo//1 so
there is no ambiguity in always using "existence_error(procedure,

"When the database does not contain a procecure, prepared for
execution from one or more grammar rules with non-terminal indicator
NT//N during execution of a goal, prepared for execution from a
non-terminal with non-terminal indicator NT//N, the behaviour shall be
as follows: .... In other cases the behaviour shall be implementation
I think this is overly specific and misses several cases that should
not be "implementation specific":

1. What if there are no grammar rules used for defining NT//N?
  E.g. the procedure is only defined by a directive, such as
  :-dynamic(foo//1).". Then "the database does not contain a
  procecure, prepared for execution from ONE OR MORE grammar rules
  with non-terminal indicator" foo//1.

2. What about all built-in procedures corresponding to
  non-terminals. Some or all of them may be defined without the use
  of any grammar rules.

3. What if NT//N has not been defined, but the procedure NT/M, with M
  = N+2, is defined? (I can understand if this case should left

"... In other cases the behaviour shall be implementation specific."
What other cases are there?
What does this "implementation specific" "behaviour" mean for 5.1.e
"... a strictly conforming mode which shall reject the use of an
implementation specific feature ..."


"1 Prolog processors shall report errors resulting from
execution of grammar rules at the same abstraction level as grammar
rules whenever possible"

What does this mean. It may well be "possible" in cases where it would
not be "desirable" (e.g existence_error above) or where it "would
overburden a Prolog processors".

"2 Parsing resp. generating of terminal sequences using grammar rules
is defined in subclauses 8.18.1. Grammar rules are expanded there into
Prolog clauses during preparion for execution, which maps the parsing
or generaing with a grammar-rule-body into execution a goal given a
sequence of predicate clauses. See subclause 7.7 ... for details"
What is that paragraph trying to say?
"Grammar rules are" NOT "expanded [in 8.18.1] into Prolog clauses"
"execution a goal given a sequence of predicate clauses." What is this
trying to say?

Perhaps remove everything except the first sentence from that

"8.18.1 phrase/3, phrase/2"
" Description"

"In the absence of semicontexts phrase(GRBody, S), is true ..."

Abscense from where? I.e. where should the semicontexts not be present?

"In the absence of semicontexts phrase(GRBody, S), is true if S is a
phrase covered by the non-terminal or more generally the
grammar-rule-body GRBody."

As I have noted elsewhere, I think that the more general descriptions
are sufficent, clearer, and avoids confusion. So, better remove some
text to get "In the absence of semicontexts phrase(GRBody, S), is true
if S is a phrase covered by the grammar-rule-body GRBody."

"In the absence of semicontexts phrase(GRBody, S0, S) is true if P is
phrase covered by the non-terminal GRBody and ..."
GRBody is a grammar-rule-body, not just a "non-terminal".
Also, where should the semicontexts be absent?

Better remove most text up to "In the presence of semicontext later in
the subclause.

"The description of phrase(GRBOdy, S0, S)) ..."
One extra right bracket.

"The description of phrase(GRBOdy, S0, S)) in the presnece of
semicontext ..."
Where are these semicontext present?

"The description of phrase(GRBOdy, S0, S)) in the presnece of
semicontext exploits the decomposition GRBody into a compound term

What does it mean that GRBody is decomposed _into_ a compound term? Is
it trying to say that GRBody _is_ a compound term that is then
decomposed (but what if GRBody is '[]'?).

"The description of phrase(GRBOdy, S0, S)) in the presnece of
semicontext exploits the decomposition GRBody into a compound term
... so that it is enough to provide a recursive description assuming
that GRBody is a non terminal"

But a valid values of GRBody is already a non-terminal. In particular
the grammar control constructs, like (',')//2, are also non-terminals
so there is no "compound term composed from non terminals" such that
the "compound term" itself is not a non-terminal. Therefore there is
no recursive "GRBody is not a non-terminal"-case.

 In the presence of semicontexts phrase(NonTerminal, S0,S) is true
   if there is a gramma rule
      Nonterminal, Semicontext --> GRBody1
   there is no semicontext and there is a grammar rule
      Nonterminal --> GRBody1

This is a much to imprecise definition of. Surely phrase/3 is just as complex
as call/1 to describe (i.e. 7.8.3 and 7.7.7), so the above just brings confusion.

Some details
"In the presence of semicontexts ... else there is no semicontexts ..."
WHERE should the semicontexts be present in order to exclude the
second part of this disjunctive definition?

"... phrase(NonTerminal, S0,S) is true ... there is a grammar rule
Nonterminal --> GRBody1 ..."
But the grammar rule must be reachable during execution (e.g. no
preceding grammar rules must have used cut or thrown an exception).

"... phrase(NonTerminal, S0,S) is true ... there is a grammar rule
Nonterminal --> GRBody1 ..."
But the first argument to phrase/3 need not be identical (i.e. exactly
Nonterminal) to the head of the grammar rule (e.g. it suffice that
they are unifiable).

"Procedurally phrase(GRBody, S0, S) is executed as dcg_body(GRBody,
S0, S, Goal), call(Goal) ..."
"... is executed as IF dcg_body(..."?

"phrase(GRBody, S0, S) shall be steadfast (cf. 3.22) in its third
argument S."
should be "... (cf. 3.23) ..."

Is this trying to say that phrase(GRBody, S0, S) must be implemented
something like the following?

  phrase(GRBody, S0, S) :- phrase(GRBody, S0, S) :-
     phrase_internal(GRBody, S0, Vnv),
     S = Vnv."

(see my discussion of "7.14.8 call//1", above)

It would be possible to pass S directly to the procedures that implements
the grammar rules, while still keeping phrase(GRBody, S0, S)
steadfast, by
1. Ensuring that clauses corresponding to grammar rules do not do
  output unification (of S) too early.

2. Ensure that call//1 is implemented so that the S does not leak into
  the third argument of the procedure called by call//1 (the current
  transformations in subclause 10 does _not_ implement call//1 in
  this way, i.e. the current transformations in subclause 10 leaks S
  to plain Prolog procedures. See my notes on call//1, above).

"Execution of the predicate phrase/3 serves two goals: Firstly the
final expansion(of a grammar rule) (cf. Definiton 3.7), when this has
not taken place earlier, i.e. preparation for execution of its body
and argumens; thereafter, secondly, the execution of the resulting
Prolog goals."
This sentence is very hard to make sense of.

"Execution of the predicate phrase/3 serves ... the ... expansion(of a grammar rule) ..."

But phrase/1 is never invoked on a grammar rule, its first argument is
only a grammar-rule-body, so how can it serve the goal of "expansion
(of a grammar rule)" (or even the "preparation for execution of the
[the grammar rule's] body and arguments"?)

The only normative text that I could find in this TR that defines
preparing grammar rules for execution is subclause 7.4.4 which refers
to Section 10. Section 10 does not use phrase/3 for anything, so I
fail to see how phrase/3 is involved in preparing a grammar rule for

"... phrase/3 [does] the final expansion ..., when this has not taken place earlier"
What does this mean? When could the final expansion have taken place
(or not taken place) earlier?

"... serves two goals: ..."
Perhaps "... serves two purposes: ..." is better since "goals" has other important meanings in Prolog.

"... final expansion(of a grammar rule) ..."
Needs a space after "expansion".

"... Definiton 3.7 ..."
Should be "... Definiton 3.8 ...".

"NOTE 1 -- If the simple grammar of example is ..."
Should be "NOTE 1 ... ...".

" Errors"
(referring to phrase(GRBody, S0, S) although this is not made very clear in this subclause)
"c) S0 is not a terminal-sequence
   ... type_error ...
   for phrase/2 error clause c is required.
This would disallow phrase(nt, S) since S (a variable) is not a "terminal-sequence" (3.25).
Also, the example in would not work if this error-case is implemented for phrase/3.

"d) S is not a terminal-sequence
   ... type_error ...

Same here. In most cases S will be a variable, i.e. not a list (3.99)
and therefore not a terminal-sequence (3.25), which should not cause
an error.

" Examples"

"... the following grammar rules has been ..."
Should be "... the following grammar rules HAVE been ..."

"10 Logical Expansion"
What is "logical" about the expansion?

"% This program .... Prolog prologue."
There should be some reference to what the "Prolog prologue" is and
where it can be found.
dcg_body(NonTerminal, S0, S, Goal) :-
       \+ dcg_constr(NonTerminal),
       NonTerminal \= ( _ -> _ ),
       NonTerminal \= ( \+ _ ),
       dcg_non_terminal(NonTerminal, S0, S, Goal).

Why is (->//2) and (\+)//2 explicitly prohibited here? If the
processor supports them then dcg_constr/1 will be true for them
(making the extra NonTerminal \= ... superfluous), if the processor
does not support them, then there should be nothing that prevents the
user from defining rules for these non-terminals.

"dcg_constr({_}). % 7.14.7"
Should be "dcg_constr({_}). % 7.14.7 grammar-body-goal"

Similar for the other clauses that just have a subclause number but no
  name in the comment.

dcg_cbody(( GRCond ; GRElse ), S0, S, ( Cond ; Else )) :-
       subsumes_term(( _GRIf -> _GRThen ), GRCond),
       dcg_cbody(GRCond, S0, S, Cond),
       dcg_body(GRElse, S0, S, Else).

The GRCond is unrelated to the grammar control construct if-then, and
it is just an ugly hack to use dcg_body/4 for expanding it (even
though this happens to "work").

"dcg_cbody(call(Cont), S0, S, call(Cont, S0, S))."

Changing this to "dcg_cbody(call(Cont), S0, S, (call(Cont, S0, Vnv),
S=Vnv))." would make steadfastness easier to obtain (it would prevent
S from leaking into plain Prolog code). See my comments about call//2
and steadfastness, above.

dcg_cbody(( GREither '|' GROr ), S0, S, ( Either ; Or )) :-
       dcg_body(GREither, S0, S, Either),
       dcg_body(GROr, S0, S, Or).

This just happens to handle (A->B|C) as IF-THEN-ELSE(A,B,C) instead of
of as ALTERNATIVE(IF-THEN(A,B),C). This is an ugly hack. Instead,
these optional constructs should be explicitly handled or explicitly
prevented, like dcg_constr/1 already do with, e.g. (\+)//1.

End notes:

I have given feedback before, e.g. to the DCG draft, dated April 8,
2014. Some of those comments may still apply, even if I do not repeat
them here.

Be advised that I am not a native english speaker, some of my
comments on the language in the TR may be affected by that. Also, my
language may sometimes be harsh but I realize what a huge effort that
has been put into this TR by those involved. 


Per Mildner                           
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS Swedish ICT)