:- postscript(Cs) <<< phrase(box1, Cs).
@@@	%  Cs = "/inch {72 mul} def newpath  1 inch 1 inch moveto 2 inch 1 inch lineto 2 inch 2 inch lineto 1 inch 2 inch lineto closepath stroke ". 
@@@	% Eine Lösung gefunden

% Folgendes Beispiel wurde dem Postscripttutorial von PJ Weingartner entnommen.
% http://www.cs.indiana.edu/docproject/programming/postscript/postscript.html
% http://www.gkss.de/W3/PS/postscript.html Spiegelung

box1 -->
	"/inch {72 mul} def ",      % Convert inches->points (1/72 inch)
	"newpath  ",               % Start a new path"
	"1 inch 1 inch moveto ",   % an inch in from the lower left
	"2 inch 1 inch lineto ",   % bottom side"
	"2 inch 2 inch lineto ",   % right side"
	"1 inch 2 inch lineto ",   % top side"
	"closepath ",              % Automatically add left side to close path"
	"stroke ".                 % Draw the box on the paper"