NXyn Installation

Required Software

NXyn requires the following system and application software:

Recommended Software

For optimum performance, use of the following software is highly recommended:

Installing NXyn

All following installation instructions are at the terminal/shell/command-line level.
  1. Go to target directory of your choice
  2. Download NXyn (via HTTP)
  3. Unpack the archive
  4. Change directory
  5. Run the installation script

Using NXyn

NXyn works as a drop-in replacement of established C compilers.

To use NXyn, use nx_gcc instead of gcc and nx_icc instead of icc.

Compiling FFTW with NXyn

  1. Go to target directory of your choice
  2. Download FFTW (via HTTP)
  3. Unpack the archive
  4. Change directory
  5. Run configure script. Depending on the numerical precision and on the C compilers available use one of the following:
  6. Compile FFTW with NXyn (using 4 parallel processes)
  7. Run FFTW library self-check
  8. (optional) Install FFTW

Last update: Wed Mar 30 16:43:11 CEST 2011