\ Article: 107221 of comp.lang.forth \ Path: tunews.univie.ac.at!aconews-feed.univie.ac.at!newsfeed.wu-wien.ac.at!newsfeed.utanet.at!news.glorb.com!postnews.google.com!c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com!not-for-mail \ From: "Ray St. Marie" \ Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth \ Subject: Re: chess in forth \ Date: 20 Jan 2005 12:47:58 -0800 \ Organization: http://groups.google.com \ Lines: 1040 \ Message-ID: <1106254078.637915.55480@c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> \ References: \ NNTP-Posting-Host: \ Mime-Version: 1.0 \ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" \ X-Trace: posting.google.com 1106254084 6349 (20 Jan 2005 20:48:04 GMT) \ X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com \ NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:48:04 +0000 (UTC) \ User-Agent: G2/0.2 \ Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com \ Injection-Info: c13g2000cwb.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; \ posting-account=PH3oZAwAAACdguow87P87jraehEdvjEP \ Xref: tunews.univie.ac.at comp.lang.forth:107221 \ Hi Michael Kramer :-) \ Here's a smart chess board for gforth/win32forth that i've just \ finished. \ May work on other forth interpreters. It's intended that an AI will \ drive this board, eventually. It's text based and it's at a very early \ stage in the development process. \ This is intended to be factored to run on RetroForth, then on \ retroForthBots in irc chat so we can play games while talkin, \ eventually to be added to my collection of chess games that i've been \ developing for colorforth. \ Currently, you can use it to play other players or to look at masters \ games from the web. \ Requires that you have a file called "save-game.txt", and it can be \ empty on start up. \ In any regard you will have to hack the save-game.txt's path in this \ file for the \ definition of "what-file" so the game will work. I plan to add \ automated file creation and testing for it's presence but that is not a \ requirement for my retrobot or colorforth chess, so it's not a high \ priority. Easy to add, on your own. \ For gforth, I put it in a sub folder of the gforth folder called \ fstuf/b18chess/ \ and start it with a batch file in windows like this.... \ open a command prompt window \ c:\edit cp.bat \ echo off \ cd c:\progra~1\gforth \ gforth-fast fstuf\b18chess\b18text3.fs \ Then alt-f x to close the cp.bat file and choose save on exit. \ Then I make an icon on the desk top that calls cp.bat so I can start \ the game. \ In win32forth I open the b18text3.fs in the WinEd editor and run the \ file normally. \ This is in a draft form and is working completely tho unfinished. \ Use an evenly spaced font to view properly :-) \ b18text2.fs RAS0501021209 999lines exploring the math behind chess \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Required save file is ( possibly, and not detrimentaly, empty) \ "save-game.txt" in the word "what-file" below. \ This is a forth interpreter extention that ... \ ... that displays a smart chessboard. \ ...neither uses nor needs any error protection. \ If you get an error, just re-enter or \ undo and re-enter the move as needed. \ If your error is related to the save-file \ ( it happens very rarely ) and you want to \ save the moves in it, rename it, restart the game \ with a new savefile and re-enter the moves. \ This should not happen very often, if at all. \ ... provides an instant chess algebra language sub-set. \ Introducing the namesake, b18 or base 18 numbers. \ It's used to ... \ ... be a function for displaying decimal equivelents of \ base 18 numbers for development of the game. ( disabled ) \ : b18 depth 0<> if decimal . then 18 base ! ; : b18 18 base ! ; \ normal game function enabled b18 \ ... set the base to include the chessboard's \ co-ord letters as numbers on input. \ This provides an instant input language as a \ subset of chess algebra. Google chess algebra. \ The Base 18 Numbers and Moving on the Board \ b18=18#'s=0-17=0123456789ABCDEFGH \ (not used 0) ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ranks ) \ (not used 9) ( A B C D E F G H Files ) \ Using letters just like in hexidecimal. Only Base 18. \ Moves are constructed from 16 of these 18 numbers as \ board co-ords. The forth interpreter likes numbers. \ A source or a dest(ination) square of a move is \ described as a letter followed by a number. \ The letter represents the file of the square, A thru H, and \ the number represents the rank of the square, 1 thru 8. \ A piece starts on a source square and moves to a dest square. \ So, if the king pawn is moving and using his optional \ two squares move on the opening move of the game, \ the source square would be E-file 2nd rank or E2, \ the dest square would be E-file 4th rank or E4. \ Moves can be constructed and entered like the following ... \ source\dest E2E4 ( uppercase optional ) \ source dest E2 E4 \ dest only E4 ( for pawns moving in the same rank only ) \ entry-example: e2e4 s (or also: e2 e4 s ) \ e2 is the source square of the king pawn \ e4 is the dest and pawn moves here \ Automatic en passant target square set for pawns moveing 2. \ Pawns can move in the same file with just dest entered. \ entry-example: e4 s \ the king pawn on e2 moves to e4 \ s is the start\save\show command and is defined below. \ It's used on every entry to read in a save-file and \ 1 display the current board configuration \ from a list of moves ( the save-file ) \ 2 display the last-board \ a display of the last move made \ 3 display the list area \ a list display of the moves made so far \ 4 display who's move it is \ white or black and switch sides between moves \ 5 save a list of the moves to a save file \ for persistance and to share \ with another copy of this game to play a player. \ 6 enter moves and update all the above \ Pawn promotion \ is the only thing i didn't code in the traditional \ chess algebra board co-ordinant language, as I saw \ a cleaner way to do the promotion using base 18. \ In this game, pawn promotion is handled by \ the fact that it can only happen on certain squares. \ entry-example: d0eA \ d source file of the moving pawn rank white 7 black 2 \ 0 is the promotion signal for all promotes. \ zero is unused in chess algebra board co-ords and \ takes the place of the normal rank number usually given \ e the file of the dest white 8 black 1 \ because a pawn could move in one of three squares \ in this case a pawn moves diagnal while taking and promoting \ A in this case the value the piece is being promoted to. \ Possible values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C. \ represents piece _ p P n N b B r R q Q k K \ NOTE a bug! ( that is not really worth fixing ) \ causes the "A" value to be printed as a colon (d0e:) \ in the list-area and in the save-file but, \ the board acts correctly. Only affects white queen promotion \ Chess algegra would have used dxe8Q for the same move. \ The values for the last digit in \ the promotion entry number are here, in order of there \ percieved piece-value. Odds are black and lowercase, \ and evens are white and uppercase. \ Numbers are base 18. \ 0 is a blank square. \ Black White \ 1 = p 2 = P pawns \ 3 = n 4 = N Knights \ 5 = b 6 = B Bishops \ 7 = r 8 = R Rooks \ 9 = q A = Q Queens ( A prints : ) \ Capital A prints a colon in the list and save-file \ This only happens on the one white Queen and the Kings \ B = k C = K Kings \ ( B = ; and C = < ) in the list and save-file \ kings should not be used in promotion \ Constants, Arrays, Buffers, Variables and Files \ Remainder of the input language not already handled \ by base 18 numbers. Only 3 left, don't worry. 1 constant oo \ castle kingside 2 constant ooo \ castle queenside \ entry-example: oo s \ King moves two squares right and \ kings rook moves to the square on kings left. \ entry-example: ooo s \ King moves two squares left and \ queens rook moves to the square on kings right. \ No attempt is made to determine if this is a legal move. \ You either know how to play chess \ or you don't, and if you don't, \ you don't know that a king can't \ castle out of check, or cross a square \ that is being attacked. So, no harm done. 3 constant ep \ en passant. last one. \ entry-example: ep e s \ type "ep" then the file letter of the \ moving pawn before calling 's' \ With a white pawn on e5 and a black pawn \ that had just moved 2 squares to d5 \ this example would move the white e pawn \ to d6 and remove the black d pawn automatically. \ The board is intentionally unhelpful for versatility. \ Nothing keeps a person from moving a piece to a wrong square. \ Pay attention to knights and long rook, bishop, queen moves. \ It is a gentile persons game. Play nice. Don't Cheat. Use undo. \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Programmed base 18 chess board \ Scafolding constants are the crutches I used in development \ to make this source easier to read and \ while designing a solution. \ This whole thing could easily be better factored. \ An optimization of the program would lose all of these... -1 constant blacks-move 0 constant whites-move a constant ten \ math helper 10 constant margin \ 10 = 18 in base 18 1e constant thirty-two \ space character 2c constant fourty-eight \ convert numbers to ascii 31 constant fifty-five \ convert letters to ascii 3a constant sixty-four \ number of squares 120 constant three-sixty \ list-area/last-board boundary 15g constant four-thirty \ location of main board in sga 198 constant sga>end \ 494 size of buffers and arrays \ after all, they're just numbers. \ arrays and buffers \ save-game-array contains 494 locations in memory as follows \ offset\range cells contents display array \ 0 1 rank# easy to reach 8 calls per display \ 1 1 move# on a dump of sga this tells \ you where the game crashed \ 2 and 3 2 empty \ 4 and 5 2 last-move for last-board to display \ 6 to 365 360 list 20 lines 18 characters \ 366 to 430 64 last-board \ 431 to 494 64 main-board create save-game-array sga>end cells allot \ line-buffer \ place to translate moves to save in a file or \ to read in the saved file during execution create line-buffer sga>end 2 + allot \ execution-buffer \ place to translate moves from \ ascii in line-buffer to numbers that get executed. \ accumulate new moves from stack create execution-buffer sga>end cells allot \ variables tend to get passed between moves executions \ these might could be put in the save-game-array,,, variable whites-last-move 0 whites-last-move ! variable blacks-last-move 0 blacks-last-move ! \ ... these can not because of a 'clear array' conflict - i think! variable current-move 0 current-move ! variable total-moves 0 total-moves ! variable whose-move 0 whose-move ! variable enpas 0 enpas ! \ the en passont target square variable file# 0 file# ! \ letter of en passont moving pawn variable prom-flag 0 prom-flag ! \ pawn promotion move value \ save-game file handling set what-file to "save-game.txt" path \ what-file should set or get a variable that could be changed \ on the command line while coming up or during execution : what-file s" b18chess\save-game.txt" ; : new-save-file \ <--redifined below as nsf what-file w/o create-file throw drop ; \ input 0 value fd-in : open-input r/o open-file throw to fd-in ; : open-sg-input what-file open-input ; : close-input fd-in close-file throw ; : read-save-game line-buffer sga>end fd-in read-line throw close-input ; \ output 0 value fd-out : open-output w/o open-file throw to fd-out ; : open-sg-output what-file open-output ; : close-output fd-out close-file throw ; : write-save-game line-buffer sga>end fd-out write-file throw close-output ; \ Useful Words \ program math \ unpack and packup move : unpkm 100 /mod ; \ makes source dest from destsource : pkum 100 * + ; \ makes destsource from source dest : spltR-F 10 /mod ; \ split and leave Rank File on stack : get-file 10 / 10 * ; \ isolate file# less rank# : ?even 2 mod 0= ; \ rank math \ unspeakable words : s10*+s swap 10 * + swap ; \ value file# rank# - filerank# value : 5wm@++ 5 whose-move @ + + ; \ black 4, white 5 : wm@ia whose-move @ invert abs ; \ black 0, white 1 \ \ convert a base 18 square # to save-game-array offset : sq#>sqindex spltR-F ten - swap 8 swap - 8 * + ; \ Storing and Fetching \ atoms : swc+! swap cells + ! ; \ value count buffer -- : swc+@ swap cells + @ ; \ count buffer -- value \ these below use them above \ storing \ save-game-array : !sga save-game-array swc+! ; : !rank# 0 !sga ; : !move# 1 !sga ; : !last-move 4 !sga 5 !sga ; : !list-area three-sixty 5 + swap - !sga ; : !last-board three-sixty 6 + + !sga ; : !sq>sga four-thirty + !sga ; : !dest sq#>sqindex !sq>sga ; \ line-buffer : !lbuf line-buffer swc+! ; : !lbufend 0 do sga>end 1- i - !lbuf loop ; \ execution-buffer : !exbuf execution-buffer swc+! ; \ last-moves : !whites-last-move whites-last-move ! ; : !blacks-last-move blacks-last-move ! ; \ fetching \ save-game-array : @sga save-game-array swc+@ ; : @rank# 0 @sga ; : @move# 1 @sga ; : @last-move 5 @sga 4 @sga ; : @list-area 6 + @sga ; : @list-area>stack three-sixty 0 do i @list-area loop ; : @last-board three-sixty 6 + + @sga ; : @last>stack sixty-four 1 + 0 do sixty-four i - @last-board loop ; : @sqsqindex @sqstack sga>end 0 do i @lbuf loop ; \ execution-buffer : @exbuf execution-buffer swc+@ ; : @move 1+ @exbuf ; \ get move entry : @exbuf>stack execution-buffer @ dup if 0 do execution-buffer @ dup i <= if drop leave else i - @exbuf then loop else drop then ; \ last moves : @whites-last-move whites-last-move @ ; : @blacks-last-move blacks-last-move @ ; \ fetch'n'store \ incrementors : +move# @move# 1+ !move# ; : lbuf-incr line-buffer @ dup 0= if fourty-eight + then 1+ line-buffer ! ; : exbuf-incr execution-buffer @ 1+ execution-buffer ! ; \ updaters : update-last-move whose-move @ if @whites-last-move else @blacks-last-move then dup a0 > if unpkm swap else dup then !last-move ; : update-last-board sixty-four 0 do i @sqend cells erase ; clear-save-game-array : clear-line-buffer line-buffer sga>end 2 + erase ; clear-line-buffer : clear-execution-buffer execution-buffer sga>end cells erase ; clear-execution-buffer : clear-move# 0 !move# ; : clear-last-move 0 dup !last-move ; : clear-board \ these two could be replaced with one that 0 sixty-four 0 \ takes the address of the board do dup i !sq>sga \ on the stack and does either board loop \ or any part of the array drop ; \ i guess and clear the list too. : clear-last-board 0 sixty-four 0 do dup i !last-board loop drop ; \ clearing the list area : spaces*three-sixty thirty-two three-sixty 1- 0 do dup loop ; : space-out-list-area spaces*three-sixty update-list-area ; : clear-exbuf-counter 0 execution-buffer ! ; : clear-stack depth dup 0<> if 0 do drop loop else drop then ; : clear-save-file new-save-file @lbuf>stack clear-line-buffer open-sg-output write-save-game !lbufstack ten 6 + 8 \ 16 8 = 8 times do 8 0 \ 8 * = 64 do sixty-four \ margin over list and board i 2 * + \ every other space 8 chars j at-xy \ each lines 8 thru 16 .piece \ print this stack value loop loop parkcurs drop ; \ where whose-move prints \ the parts of the main board - bottom : .whose-move parkcurs \ where whose move prints whose-move @ if ." Black's move" else ." White's move" then ; : .letters \ top and bottom ." A B C D E F G H" cr ; : .bottom-underline ." ----------------------------------------" cr ; : .margin-sp margin spaces ; : .board-bottom .margin-sp 2 spaces .bottom-underline .margin-sp 4 spaces .letters .whose-move ; \ ranks : .rank# fourty-eight + emit ; \ print a rank number : .end-rank @rank# dup ?even if ." |" \ choose an ending rank boarder else space then .rank# cr ; : .bgpcbg \ <----thats background piece background swap @rank# + ?even if ." | " .piece ." |" else ." " .piece ." " then ; : .black 5 spaces ; : .white ." |||||" ; : .white-or-black @rank# + ?even if .white else .black then ; : .square dup 0= if drop .white-or-black \ blank square else .bgpcbg \ occupied square then ; : .rank-range 8 * sixty-four swap - dup 8 + swap ; : .ranksqs .rank-range do i dup @sqstack 9 0 \ get the list and do 2drop \ clear 18 characters loop \ off the bottom and update-list-area \ recreate the list. then ; \ the text printer : black-.... fourty-eight 2 - dup 2dup ; \ 4 " . " : numbers>letters spltR-F fifty-five + swap fourty-eight + ; : convert-move case 1 of [char] o [char] - [char] o [char] . endof 2 of [char] o [char] o [char] - [char] o endof 3 of [char] e [char] p thirty-two file# @ fifty-five + endof unpkm \ unpack move numbers>letters rot \ normal moves get converted numbers>letters \ to ascii here 0 endcase ; \ the list format : black-text @blacks-last-move dup if convert-move \ blacks move else drop black-.... \ print "...." then ; : finish-line thirty-two thirty-two ; \ 2 space characters : line-no finish-line @move# dup ten < \ single digit? if thirty-two swap \ ad space else ten /mod \ split decimal digits fourty-eight + swap \ ascii up ten's digit then fourty-eight + \ ascii up one's digit finish-line ; : move>text @move# if line-no @whites-last-move \ whites text convert-move finish-line black-text finish-line build-list then ; \ heart this executes early on startup and every move : chess @move# \ if there are moves to process if move>text \ create the list text to print switch-sides total-moves @ \ set in execute-moves display-last-only update-last-move \ doing these after display means update-last-board \ displaying the previous move else display \ default start up then ; \ Move Execution : normal-display exbuf-incr chess ; \ moves filters all moves : ?prom-flag prom-flag @ dup \ something stored here? if swap drop \ substitute this instead else drop then ; \ peice value to do-move : do-move 0 swap unpkm \ unpack move infront of clear square dup @sq ?prom-flag \ are we changing piece values rot \ align stack and load-positions \ set save-game-array current move 0 prom-flag ! ; \ reset \ print filter : move-piece whose-move @ if !blacks-last-move \ a move for black else +move# \ increment on whites move only !whites-last-move \ print this as whites move 0 !blacks-last-move \ signal to print "...." then ; \ normal-moves filter : set-enpas-sq \ the target dest of an en passant move dup unpkm \ unpack get-file \ file# whose-move @ \ calculate the square behind negate \ the 2 square moving pawn 3 * 3 + + \ square is rank white 6 black 3 enpas ! drop ; : ?mov2sq dup spltR-F \ Rank# FileRankFile# spltR-F spltR-F \ Srank# Sfile# Drank# Dfile# drop swap drop \ drop the file#s - abs \ subtract the rank#s correct for side 2 = ; \ true if moving any 2 ranks : ?setEnpasSq ?mov2sq \ pawn 2 move option taken? if set-enpas-sq \ compute and set else 0 enpas ! \ reset then ; : ?pawn dup unpkm \ unpack swap drop \ discard dest @sq \ get it 2 <= \ pawn value? if ?setEnpasSq then ; : promote-dest wm@ia \ get white 1 or black 0 7 * 1+ \ rank white 8 or black 1 s10*+s ; \ pack into dest and swap : promote-source wm@ia \ get white 1 or black 0 5 * 2 + \ make rank white 7 or black 2 s10*+s ; \ pack into source and swap : set-promote-move promote-source \ get source ... spltR-F \ split rank# file# promote-dest \ ... and dest prom-flag ! \ do-move to substitute this dest swap pkum swap ; \ pack the move print : ?promote dup unpkm \ unpack move spltR-F \ split rank# file# swap \ rank# is 0 signaling promote? if 2drop \ if not then proceed with normal-move else set-promote-move \ if so if 0 only then ; : normal-move ?promote \ weird I don't test for pawn first hmmm ?pawn \ check and set en passont square value depth 1 = \ make sure move-piece and do-move if dup \ both get something to do then move-piece \ print this do-move ; \ set save-game-array for the boards to print \ special-moves filter : take-pawn dup get-file \ separate file number 5wm@++ \ rank white 5 black 4 0 swap !dest ; \ store 0 at square, taking pawn : enpas-source \ of mover 10 * \ position file letter 5wm@++ ; \ rank white 5 black 4 : enpas-s-d enpas-source enpas @ ; \ enpas set on last pawns move : enpass-entry 3 - dup \ get file# and file# ! \ store the file# for printing enpas-s-d \ get the source and dest on stack 0 enpas ! \ reset take-pawn \ remove offending pawn swap pkum \ packup move do-move 3 ; \ adjust sga and signal move-piece : oo-o whose-move @ if 0 a8 b c8 7 d8 0 e8 \ black else 0 a1 c c1 8 d1 0 e1 \ white then load-positions 2 ; \ signal for move-piece to print : o-o whose-move @ if 0 e8 7 f8 b g8 0 h8 \ black else 0 e1 8 f1 c g1 0 h1 \ white then load-positions 1 ; \ signal for move-piece to print : ?castle-entry case 1 of o-o endof \ king side 2 of oo-o endof \ queen side endcase ; : special-entry dup 2 <= if ?castle-entry \ 1 or 2 on stack else enpass-entry \ 3 on stack then move-piece ; \ store these signals as the move to print \ digestion muscle : display\save-loop clear-all clear-exbuf-counter 0 \ start clear do i @move dup a1 < \ smaller than first square? if dup 0= \ no entry signal? if drop display leave \ early finish else special-entry then else normal-move then normal-display i @move \ get the move entry again for convert-move \ to translation into ascii 4 0 \ and do line-buffer \ will store in here j 1+ cells + \ at this offset 3 i - chars + c! \ these four characters loop lbuf-incr \ increment the count in line-buffer loop ; \ persistance : execute-moves execution-buffer @ \ get count dup dup total-moves ! 0= \ total-moves will tell if drop display \ "display-last-only" in else display\save-loop \ "normal-display" in <-this then \ when to display open-sg-output \ open a file write-save-game ; \ save moves to file \ brains : dekode \ convert ascii to base 18 in chessboard co-ord format fifty-five - 10 * swap fourty-eight - + 10 * swap fifty-five - + 10 * swap fourty-eight - + ; : ?format-castle \ count the 'o's over over 0 swap [char] o = if 1+ swap [char] o = if 1+ then else drop then ; : ?format ?format-castle \ count any 'o's? 1 over = if clear-stack 1 \ king side castle else 2 over = if clear-stack 2 \ queen side else drop dekode \ normal format and promotes then then ; : format-ep 3 + \ add ep signal and discard the rest swap drop swap drop swap drop ; : unconvert-move over thirty-two = \ a space in format means ep if format-ep else ?format \ else test for other formats then ; : transfer-chars 0 dup line-buffer ! \ clear line-buffer counter do 4 0 \ for each offset in the do line-buffer \ get the four characters j 1+ cells + \ that describe the move 3 i - chars + c@ \ in ascii loop unconvert-move \ and make them base 18 numbers i 1+ !exbuf \ and store them for execution loop ; : translatestack ; \ stack any previous moves : prepare-moves line-buffer @ 0<> \ if there's any ascii in line-buffer if prev-moves \ base 18 chars onto stack else current-move @ \ including the current move then \ in both cases !exbuf= \ are we on the board? if depth 1 = \ "pawn in same-file dest-only" entry? if get-source then pkum \ pack it up else dup 3 >= \ en passont or castle entry? if + \ packs ep doesn't hurt anything else then then ; : combined-entry dup h8 > \ larger than special or pawnDest? if unpkm \ unpack move else depth 2 = \ ep and split s d moves if swap \ to match unpacking a move then then ; : resolve-move \ condition all kinds of input combined-entry \ special, sd and s d ?single\double-entry \ handle each type current-move ! ; \ we have a move to process : entry resolve-move \ deal with current move entry prepare-moves \ deal with list of moves execute-moves ; \ ready set go execute and display them \ starting from several defaults : count-moves fourty-eight - execution-buffer ! ; : ?buffer-empty line-buffer @ dup if count-moves translatestack \ fetch all the current moves depth 0 swap \ count them and swap 0 under the depth !exbuf \ store 0 at depth clearing current move clear-stack clear-line-buffer clear-save-file execute-moves quit ; : redo current-move @ s ; \ currently only works with the first undo \ here i need a function to test for a file ( save-file.txt ) \ if there is a file name on the commandline when game starts \ start and proceed with that file \ if a save file exitsts just go on with it \ if not create it. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ : endchess decimal page s" You can have your interpreter back." type space s" BASE is decimal." type cr s" 's' to restart b18chess, bye to exit." type space s" b18chess words are still active." type ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ s \ start here read upwards \ \ \ \ \ functions below 's' are not "on" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ : sga-d save-game-array sga>end cells dump ; \ : eb-d execution-buffer sga>end dump ; \ \ : lb-d line-buffer sga>end dump ; \\\\| : scan-stack depth dup if 0 do . loop else drop then ; \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\