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Implementation Defined Options

(Cell) aligned addresses:
processor-dependent. Gforth's alignment words perform natural alignment (e.g., an address aligned for a datum of size 8 is divisible by 8). Unaligned accesses usually result in a -23 THROW.
EMIT and non-graphic characters:
The character is output using the C library function (actually, macro) putc.
character editing of ACCEPT and EXPECT:
This is modeled on the GNU readline library (see Command Line Editing) with Emacs-like key bindings. Tab deviates a little by producing a full word completion every time you type it (instead of producing the common prefix of all completions). See Command-line editing.
character set:
The character set of your computer and display device. Gforth is 8-bit-clean (but some other component in your system may make trouble).
Character-aligned address requirements:
installation-dependent. Currently a character is represented by a C unsigned char; in the future we might switch to wchar_t (Comments on that requested).
character-set extensions and matching of names:
Any character except the ASCII NUL character can be used in a name. Matching is case-insensitive (except in TABLEs). The matching is performed using the C library function strncasecmp, whose function is probably influenced by the locale. E.g., the C locale does not know about accents and umlauts, so they are matched case-sensitively in that locale. For portability reasons it is best to write programs such that they work in the C locale. Then one can use libraries written by a Polish programmer (who might use words containing ISO Latin-2 encoded characters) and by a French programmer (ISO Latin-1) in the same program (of course, WORDS will produce funny results for some of the words (which ones, depends on the font you are using)). Also, the locale you prefer may not be available in other operating systems. Hopefully, Unicode will solve these problems one day.
conditions under which control characters match a space delimiter:
If word is called with the space character as a delimiter, all white-space characters (as identified by the C macro isspace()) are delimiters. Parse, on the other hand, treats space like other delimiters. Parse-word, which is used by the outer interpreter (aka text interpreter) by default, treats all white-space characters as delimiters.
format of the control-flow stack:
The data stack is used as control-flow stack. The size of a control-flow stack item in cells is given by the constant cs-item-size. At the time of this writing, an item consists of a (pointer to a) locals list (third), an address in the code (second), and a tag for identifying the item (TOS). The following tags are used: defstart, live-orig, dead-orig, dest, do-dest, scopestart.
conversion of digits > 35
The characters [\]^_' are the digits with the decimal value 36-41. There is no way to input many of the larger digits.
display after input terminates in ACCEPT and EXPECT:
The cursor is moved to the end of the entered string. If the input is terminated using the Return key, a space is typed.
exception abort sequence of ABORT":
The error string is stored into the variable "error and a -2 throw is performed.
input line terminator:
For interactive input, C-m (CR) and C-j (LF) terminate lines. One of these characters is typically produced when you type the Enter or Return key.
maximum size of a counted string:
s" /counted-string" environment? drop .. Currently 255 characters on all platforms, but this may change.
maximum size of a parsed string:
Given by the constant /line. Currently 255 characters.
maximum size of a definition name, in characters:
maximum string length for ENVIRONMENT?, in characters:
method of selecting the user input device:
The user input device is the standard input. There is currently no way to change it from within Gforth. However, the input can typically be redirected in the command line that starts Gforth.
method of selecting the user output device:
EMIT and TYPE output to the file-id stored in the value outfile-id (stdout by default). Gforth uses unbuffered output when the user output device is a terminal, otherwise the output is buffered.
methods of dictionary compilation:
What are we expected to document here?
number of bits in one address unit:
s" address-units-bits" environment? drop .. 8 in all current platforms.
number representation and arithmetic:
Processor-dependent. Binary two's complement on all current platforms.
ranges for integer types:
Installation-dependent. Make environmental queries for MAX-N, MAX-U, MAX-D and MAX-UD. The lower bounds for unsigned (and positive) types is 0. The lower bound for signed types on two's complement and one's complement machines machines can be computed by adding 1 to the upper bound.
read-only data space regions:
The whole Forth data space is writable.
size of buffer at WORD:
PAD HERE - .. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is shared with the pictured numeric output string. If overwriting PAD is acceptable, it is as large as the remaining dictionary space, although only as much can be sensibly used as fits in a counted string.
size of one cell in address units:
1 cells ..
size of one character in address units:
1 chars .. 1 on all current platforms.
size of the keyboard terminal buffer:
Varies. You can determine the size at a specific time using lp@ tib - .. It is shared with the locals stack and TIBs of files that include the current file. You can change the amount of space for TIBs and locals stack at Gforth startup with the command line option -l.
size of the pictured numeric output buffer:
PAD HERE - .. 104 characters on 32-bit machines. The buffer is shared with WORD.
size of the scratch area returned by PAD:
The remainder of dictionary space. unused pad here - - ..
system case-sensitivity characteristics:
Dictionary searches are case-insensitive (except in TABLEs). However, as explained above under character-set extensions, the matching for non-ASCII characters is determined by the locale you are using. In the default C locale all non-ASCII characters are matched case-sensitively.
system prompt:
ok in interpret state, compiled in compile state.
division rounding:
installation dependent. s" floored" environment? drop .. We leave the choice to gcc (what to use for /) and to you (whether to use fm/mod, sm/rem or simply /).
values of STATE when true:
values returned after arithmetic overflow:
On two's complement machines, arithmetic is performed modulo 2**bits-per-cell for single arithmetic and 4**bits-per-cell for double arithmetic (with appropriate mapping for signed types). Division by zero typically results in a -55 throw (Floating-point unidentified fault) or -10 throw (divide by zero).
whether the current definition can be found after DOES>: