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Keeping track of Time

ms       n --        facility-ext       ``ms''
Wait at least n milli-second.
time&date       -- nsec nmin nhour nday nmonth nyear        facility-ext       ``time-and-date''
Report the current time of day. Seconds, minutes and hours are numbered from 0. Months are numbered from 1.
utime       -- dtime        gforth       ``utime''
Report the current time in microseconds since some epoch.
cputime       -- duser dsystem        gforth       ``cputime''
duser and dsystem are the respective user- and system-level CPU times used since the start of the Forth system (excluding child processes), in microseconds (the granularity may be much larger, however). On platforms without the getrusage call, it reports elapsed time (since some epoch) for duser and 0 for dsystem.